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Παρουσιάστηκε στο 4ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο EUROMED’12 για την Πρόοδο στην Διατήρηση της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, Σεπτέμβριος 2012.

Kousiaki F., Tornari V., Kouloumbi E. and Lembessis A. (2012). Science in Aid of Expert Opinion: A Tell-Tale on Disputed Artworks, Proceedings of EUROMED’12, 4th International Conference on Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation


Nowadays the increase demand for loaning art objects as well as safety, ethical, economical and security issues are forcing curators and conservation experts to undertake challenging and disputable decisions in regards of issuing an artwork accreditation. On the other hand scientific analysis and modern tools in artwork conservation offer a powerful source for objective multidisciplinary choices serving and safeguarding an expert’s decision. Hence, strong initiatives and innovative actions are important to be taken to ensure that modern technology serves for cases of dispute, damage, fraud, or mistreatment during transportation of Cultural Heritage. Therefore the paper presents some current results in originality assessment and results from the development of an anti-fraud concept based on an innovative approach of works of art, and application of methodologies and instrumentation. The authors’ aim and prior consideration is to respond to such critical aspects of increased importance in cultural heritage preservation, among which to secure proper treatment, to assess possible damage and to fight fraud actions. The paper introduces for the first time to our knowledge the idea of fraud-fighting with development of dedicated “ultimate documentation UD”™.

The International Conference on Cultural Heritage. EUROMED 2012 has been organized by the Cyprus University of Technology, under the patronage of UNESCO, the Auspices of the CY-Presidency of the EU Council and in cooperation with the European Commission, the ESF/COST Programme, the Europeana, the CY Ministry of Education and Culture and the Department of Antiquities.

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