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  9. Ψηφιακή ολογραφική εκτύπωση έγχρωμων...

Παρουσιάστηκε στο XΙ Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Eκθεματικής Ολογραφίας (ISDH2018) που διοργανώθηκε στο Aveiro Πορτογαλλίας (25-29 Ιουν 2018) και δημοσιεύτηκε στα Πρακτικά του Συμποσίου.

για οπτικοποίηση τεχνουργημάτων και ιστορικών θέσεων.


Sarakinos, A., Zacharovas, S., Lembessis A. et al (2018). Direct-write digital holographic printing of color reflection holograms for visualization of artworks and historic sites. Proceedings 11th Intl. Symposium on Display Holography (ISBN: 978-972-789-550-2)


Direct-write digital holographic printing (DWDH) is a technique by which color reflection holograms or white-light transmission holograms of an object or a scene can be produced out of a series of suitable perspective images. The technique is well suited to the production of scaled up or down holographic images of objects or scenes allowing at the same time slight movements, animation, layering and multiple channels to be encoded. The series of perspective images can be digitally captured in video or photographs or be produced by rendering frames of a 3d model with the aid of 3d computer graphics software. The Hellenic Institute of Holography (HiH) has been testing the process since 2009 producing suitable series of perspective images by using most of the available image capturing techniques and subsequently printing rendered data by Geola Digital for the visualization of artworks and historic sites. The produced holograms range from small artworks to large scale scenes incorporating in most cases layering, movement or animation. It is of great significance that the video or photographically captured perspective views of a real object or scene, as processed by Geola, result in holograms which recreate 3d images with details resolution far better than those of a 3D model produced from the 2D-to-3D conversion of the same set of perspective views. In this paper we present DWDH printed holograms of various artworks and historic sites, the various methods used for capturing perspective views and the underlying printing processes for eventual use in cultural heritage preservation.

The St. Alex. Nevsky Lavra church in St. Petersburg, Russia

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