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  9. Υπερ-ρεαλιστική απεικόνιση και ΟπτοΚλώνοι™

Παρουσιάστηκε και δημοσιεύτηκε στις 7 Μαρτίου 2016 στον τόμο 9771 με τα Πρακτικά του Συνεδρίου SPIE OPTO με θέμα “Practical Holography XXΧ: Materials & Applications” που διοργανώνει η SPIE Photonics West στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο, Καλιφόρνια, ΗΠΑ (13-18 Φεβ 2016).

OptoClones™ is a registered trademark (No EU013865951) of the Hellenic Institute of Holography.

Bjelkhagen, H., Lembessis, A. and Sarakinos, A. (2016). Ultra-realistic imaging and OptoClones. Proc. SPIE 9771, Practical Holography XXX: Materials and Applications, 977105 (2016).


Recent improvements in solid state CW lasers, recording materials and light sources (such as LED lights) for displaying color holograms are described. Full-color analogue holograms can now be created with substantially better image characteristics than previously possible. To record ultra-realistic images depends on selecting the optimal recording laser wavelengths and employing ultra-fine-grain, silver-halide materials. The image quality is improved by using LED display light with improved spatial coherence. Recording museum artifacts using mobile holographic equipment is described. The most recent recorded such holograms (referred to as OptoClones™) are the Fabergé Eggs at the Fabergé Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“Best of the Year 2015” IHMA Award in Shanghai, China

Hans I. Bjelkhagen, Alkiviadis Lembessis, and Andreas Sarakinos “Ultra-realistic imaging and OptoClones”, Proc. SPIE 9771, Practical Holography XXX: Materials and Applications, 977105 (7 March 2016);

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